Habitat Youth BUILD Photo Competition 2014
Deadline: 3 Mei
Diperpanjang hingga 3 mei 2014
PLAY your camera, ACT to support Habitat Youth BUILD 2014
and SHARE your passion and creativity your to the world! Before you begin:
Photo should answer the question “What a Home Means To You”.
Photo should show that a house is more than just floor, walls and a roof.
A house becomes a home when a family makes it a safe haven.
Photo may depict stories of: learning starts at home; a home is a foundation to
a better life; a home saves lives; good health starts at home.
The Photo Competition is open to anyone living in the
Indonesia Habitat for Humanity staffs are not allowed to apply.
This competition open to anyone who living in Indonesia,
aged 14 - 29. Please mention the location where the photos taken.
Participants may submit at most two entries at Habitat
Indonesia FB page.
Participants may promote their photos through their own
social media eg: FB, Twitter, Instagram, Path, Tumblr, etc.
Only Facebook ‘likes’ for your photo hosted on the Habitat
Indonesia page will be counted.
Habitat for Humanity reserves the right to remove any photos
that are deemed not appropriate.
Criteria for the winning photos will be based on most number
of FB likes.
How to participate:
Step 1: Send your photos to competition@habitatindonesia.org
and tell us your facebook & twitter address. So we can mention you whenever
we upload it.
Step 2: Encourage Votes for Your Photo
Direct your family and friends to the Habitat Indonesia
Facebook fan page, and tell them to ‘like’ your photo.
The photo with the most number of ‘likes’ on Facebook will
be declared the winning photo
The competition begins on 3 April 2014.
All competition entries should be uploaded by midnight on 3
May 2014. Any entries submitted after this deadline will be removed. Entrants
are responsible for determining the entry times in their local time zones.
Any votes (Facebook ‘likes’) cast after this deadline will
not be counted.
The winner will be announced via the Habitat Indonesia
Facebook fan page. The prize for the winning submission is a Galaxy Tab 3 10.1
Any problems? Please email info@habitatindonesia.org
Habitat for Humanity upholds the dignity of every human
being. In taking picture, the entrant ensures that consent was secured from
every picture.
Entrants should not put themselves, or anyone else, in a
vulnerable or dangerous situation in the course of taking pictures.
Habitat for Humanity reserves the right to remove any
pictures that are deemed not appropriate or not representative of the mission
of Habitat for Humanity, or breach any of the stipulations outlined
Only Facebook ‘likes’ for your photo hosted on the Habitat
Indonesia fan page will be counted.
Habitat for Humanity reserves the right to remove any photos
that appear to garner votes (Facebook ‘likes’) through fraudulent practices,
for example, hacking or buying ‘likes’. If Habitat suspects malpractice, and
entrants are unable to satisfactorily explain how they secured votes, photos
will be removed from the Facebook page and any votes secured to date declared
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