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Lomba Foto Gala Cultural Night (GCN) 2014

Deadline: 31 Agustus 2014

ISIC 2014 dengan bangga mempersembahkan Lomba Foto Gala Cultural Night (GCN) 2014 yang pertama!
Lomba telah dibuka dan akan ditutup pada pukul 23:59 (GMT+1) pada 31 Agustus 2014, atau 06:00 WIB pada 1 September 2014. Lomba ini terbuka untuk siapa saja!

TEMA: “Indonesia in Perspectives”

1. Indonesia Here and There
2. Indonesian People Then and Now
3. Red and White

Juara 1: Uang tunai GBP (£) 100
Juara 2: Uang tunai GBP (£) 60
Juara 3: Uang tunai GBP (£) 40
Juara Favorit: Uang tunai GBP (£) 30
* Semua pemenang juga akan mendapatkan tiket gratis ke Gala Cultural Night 2014 di Oxford, Inggris dan suvenir gratis.

45 foto terbaik akan dipamerkan dalam Gala Night Cultural dan situs publikasi ISIC! Jadi, apa lagi yang Anda tunggu? Tunjukkan karyamu kepada dunia dan sampai jumpa di Oxford!

The competition is open to individuals from all countries of residence and nationalities. Members of the GCN Photography Competition 2014 Committee as well as their immediate families are not eligible to enter, but the rest of the ISIC 2014 committee is eligible to enter. Entrants under the age of 12 years need to have parent or guardian consent to enter. Entrants are not necessarily to be professional photographers.
Photographs must be in digital format, but not necessarily taken only with a digital camera. Scans of negatives, transparencies, or photographic prints are acceptable. All digital files must be at maximum 5 megabytes, must be in JPEG or JPG format, and must be at least 1,600 pixels wide (if a horizontal image) or 1,600 pixels tall (if a vertical image).
Photographs must have been taken within six months before the date of entry.
Minor burning, dodging, color correction and/or cropping is acceptable, as long as the content is not manipulated. High dynamic range images (HDR) and stitched panoramas are NOT acceptable. The judging panel reserves the right to exclude any entries they believe may have been excessively treated so as to alter its authenticity.
Photographs must be the original work of the entrant and must not infringe the rights of any other party. Entrants must have obtained permission of any people featured in the entries or their parents/guardians if children under 16 are featured. Further, entrants must not have breached any laws when taking their photographs.
Prior to submission, photographs must not have been offered for sale, published for money, or won in any other photographic competition.
Photographs must not, in the sole and unfettered discretion of the GCN 2014 Committee, contain obscene, provocative, defamatory, sexually explicit, or otherwise objectionable or inappropriate content.
Watermarks are not acceptable. If GCN 2014 Committee does not receive a non-watermarked version of the entry within ten (10) days following its request, the entry will be disqualified.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan kunjungi:
Setiap pertanyaan? Silakan kirim e-mail ke!

PS: Lomba ini diselenggarakan oleh Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia di Inggris (PPI UK) dan Panitia Indonesian Scholars International Convention (ISIC) 2014. Gala Cultural Night merupakan salah satu rangkaian acara ISIC yang merupakan pertunjukan budaya dan seni.

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